Genre: Drama/Animation
Directors Name: Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis
Year of Release: 1999
Length of Film: 9 Minutes
Character Types:
The Pig
The Pig at the start is shown to be full of joy as she sings along with the opera music. However, she then struggles to face up to her own morality after the death of the Chicken.
The Chicken
The Chicken is shown to be someone who is content with life.
Key Elements:
Uses many different shot types including Close-Up’s and Extreme Close-Up’s.
A Montage is used to represent the shock in the Pig.
Small music sequence after the title card, connotes happiness.
Music suddenly cut when they walk into each other, showing that conflict has started.
Digetic Sound of sirens to create suspense.
Little Dialogue is used to create suspense.
Conflict/Binary Oppositions have been resolved by the end as the Pig has returned to equilibrium. This is suggested because the pig reopens the blind on a sunny day, referencing the start.
What will I take from this film?
I will take how the film uses sound to create meaning.