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- 4 - 5 minutes in length
- Must conform to one of the four briefs provided by the examboard
Film production is a crucial and synoptic part of Film Studies course, giving you the opportunity to put in to practice everything you have learned in class.
Component 3 enables you the opportunity to create high-quality short films and screenplays as well as provide you with another perspective on the films you study.
Your final film must conform to one of the briefs provided by our exam board, WJEC.
A narrative twist
A narrative which begins with an enigma
A narrative which establishes and develops a single character
A narrative which portrays a conflict between two central characters
Before you begin planning your short film you must create an unassessed portfolio of work containing evidence of your planning.
Your research can take several forms should include some of the following methods:
Pintrest board
'Aesthetic' analysis of one film
'Aesthetics' board
Genre study - several blog posts researching a range of genres and styles
Narrative research - blog posts researching various narrative forms and systems
Detailed analysis of AT LEAST THREE short films running over 80 minutes in length

Examples of student work
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