Component 3 - Creative projects
Film production is a central part of your Film A-Level and you have been given the opportunity to develop your filmmaking and screenwriting skills through the coursework component of the course. The study of film form, in particular, is intended to enable you to produce high-quality short films and screenplays as well as provide you with a filmmaker's perspective on the films you study.
Your project must take the form of either a SHORT FILM or a SCREENPLAY for a short film. The screenplay must be accompanied by a digitally photographed storyboard of a key sequence from the screenplay in order to demonstrate how the screenplay will be realised. You must also produce an EVALUATIVE ANALYSIS of your production, which analyses and evaluates the production in relation to other professionally produced films or screenplays, including short films totalling a minimum of 80 minutes.

Produce a screenplay for a short film between 1600 - 1800 words which includes one of the following:
a narrative twist
a narrative which begins with an enigma
a narrative which establishes and develops a single character
a narrative that portrays a conflict between two central characters
The screenplay must be accompanied by a digitally photographed storyboard of a key section from the screenplay (approx 2 minutes' screen time, corresponding to approximately two pages of screenplay and to approx. 20 storyboard shots)
Produce a short film of between 4 and 5 minutes which include one of the following:
a narrative twist
a narrative which begins with an enigma
a narrative which establishes and develops a single character
A narrative which portrays a conflict between two central characters
Option 1 - Screenplay
Option 2 - Filmmaking