The wrong trousers was a 1993 stop-motion film by Aardman Animations directed by Nick Park featuring his characters Wallace and Gromit. The film was the second film in the Wallace and Gromit franchise, after The Grand Day Out and had a budget £650,000. The Wrong Trousers was seen as a step up from the previous film, the animation being more refined and smooth, and really cemented Aardman as an film-animation company, creating other series, like Shawn the Sheep, Morph and the short film Babylon, a 13 minute long stop motion clay film with gruesome imagery and dark themes.
The Wrong Trousers uses many genres in its 30 minute run time, featuring elements of horror, crime, comedy and sci-fi among others, the western genre is one of the genres present within The Wrong Trousers, which can be seen during the scene with Feathers McGraw on the toy train set. The train is a steam train carrying large amounts of cargo, which is very stereotypical, a train is likely to be used in a western film as a point of interest, showing up in films like the Great Train Robbery. The Great Train Robbery is a very iconic film, for being the "first narrative driven film", a scene within the Great Train Robbery is referenced in this film, Feathers McGraw unhooks the train and drives off with it, which is almost exactly what the train robbers do with the money in The Great Train Robbery.