The Dark Knight is a 2008 Batman film by director Christopher Nolan
I took heavy inspiration from 2008's the Dark Knight when thinking of dialogue between my characters, this is because Nolan follows the conventions of a bank robbery, including all the emotions involved with a job as stressful as a heist.
Nolan follows the correct layout of a screenplay, being the first screenplay I analysed being able to see how the layout was supposed to be set gave me a lot of information about the technical language and emotion that should be put on display, for example, the scene with Bozo and Grumpy when they are being attacked by the bank manager, the language used within the screenplay allows the actors to have creative freedom while allowing direction on Nolan's part. It gives clear directory to how the camera, characters and scenery is supposed to act, for example
"Bozo steps backwards. SMASH. Hostages SCREAM as the TAIL END OF A YELLOW SCHOOL BUS ROCKETS through the front of the bank, SLAMMING Grumpy into the teller's window."
It gives a clear direction of what the scene is supposed to look like and how to react, similarly,
"BLAM. Chuckles is BLOWN OFF HIS FEET- Grumpy and Bozo DIVE for cover- the Bank Manager steps out of his office, SHOTGUN in hand. Hostages SCRAMBLE, CLINGING their grenades..." You can see this direction in the scene, when Chuckles gets "blown off his feet", and where Bozo scrambles towards cover, the emotion is shown in these two extracts from the screen play.