Using the parlor scene from Psycho(A. Hitchcock,1960), I am going to analyse how changes in mise-en-scene contribute to character and narrative development. The parlor scene begins with a low angle shot of Norman Bates. Norman is in control and he feels comfortable in his demeanour. The room he is stood in is overwhelmingly filled with items such as taxidermy birds and old furniture, this shows Norman might be obsessive or holds onto the past which foreshadows his attachment to his mother and how he cant accept she is dead. Normans face covers the bird behind him which presents Norman as in control and hiding his predatory nature linked to the bird. It foreshadows his downfall as a murderer but shows he is tactical with what he presents to people around him. Marion and Norman sit down right at the same time at the same level on screen in a two person shot. This highlights that both Norman and Marion are comfortable with each other and are equal ,no one is trying to dominate or intimidate anyone else. The camera is closer to Marion than Norman as Norman is hiding in the shadow of the room. Marion looks sacred and clear,like she has clear intentions, in the light. She also has a wide space between her and Norman which signifies theres no danger at this point. To signify the juxtaposition of the two characters,Norman is in a smaller, packed area of the room in the darkness which shows he is comfortable in the darkness and prefers being closed off to people around him. He is closer to the birds showing his preference to his hobbies than to people,hes antisocial. There is a candle next to him that he could light to be equal with Marion but he has decided not to light it suggesting he wants to hide secrets or that he is untrustworthy towards Marion. Marion is buttering bread not using her full concentration which shows she is comfortable in her surroundings, Norman is able to manipulate his actions to pull weak people towards him. Norman isnt doing anything except focusing on Marion highlighting the fact he needs his full concentration on subconsciously profiling Marion on whether she is the next victim which he may have been doing most of his life. Norman then begins to feel uncomfortable, I know this because he leans further into the shadow and subconsciously touches the bird next to him. Norman is dependent and comfortable in darkness and with death,especially his passive bird-he targets weak people. The bird next to him represents his alter personality 'Mother' and he begins to wake her up' as he begins to feel trapped by Marion. As he moves further away from the camera and the audience, he seems mysterious and untrustworthy. You can see Normans shadow here whereas you never see Marions which foreshadows Normans multiple personalities or multiple intentions compared to Marion who is open and can be trusted. When the discussion turns negative towards Normans mother, we are presented with a low angle shot of Norman. He looks unnerving and dominant. The shot reveals the bird who is a bird of prey compared to the birds he is comforted by which are passive and weak. As they are both on the screen at the same time, it emphasises that they are connected and that Normans intentions have switched to a predator in hunting mode rather than just watching Marion. He leans forward consuming the screen, he is intimidating and has snapped into his threatening persona. As he leans away, he seems less intimidating to Marion but to us he still feels unnerving as we see a clearer shot of the bird of prey behind him. This shows that Marion is being misled by Normans actions whereas the audience sees the truth. Norman is then presented in a large close-up feeling even more intimidating which is when Marion seems to look threatened and scared. The light on her medium close-up goes away which shows a lack of safety and certainty. When Norman is filling the screen, the frame is only showing him and a bird which foreshadows death.