No Country for Old Men is a 'Revisionist Western' this means that it follows all the common tropes of classic western but rejects their ideologies and looks back at american history from a different ideological viewpoint. This 'sub-genre' is a result of a change in society and peoples beliefs. For example, classic westerns and the setting they where based on were extremely racist which isn't received like it was when the films where originally released. The opening sequence for No Country for Old Men features the introduction for two central characters; Ed Tom Bell and Anton Chigurh. The film opens with a black screen with the sound of wind, this establishes the change in American history and its dark past. As the film is set in 1980, the cultural change of society at that time mirrors the change during post Civil-war America. this is shown through Ed Tom Bell's character who struggles to understand the change in society. The first shots are of desert hills with the sun rising, each shot see's the sun rising more and more each time to symbolise a new dawn. It also shows how Anton Chigurh's character seemingly came out of nowhere and because the audience knows so little about him it allows them to fear him more.

The shots of the sun rising over the hills are accompanied by the voice over of Ed Tom Bell. He explains his pride and nostalgia of being a sheriff and it become clear the has a clear understanding of what's right and wrong, morally. However, he continues to explain how he has a lack of understanding of this 'New America' he also struggles to adapt to this change in society and eventually retires from his job as he feels out of place.
While Ed Tom Bell finishes his 'speech', Anton Chigurh is introduced. The shot in which we see him being arrested is a slow panning shot which created suspense but also makes him seem dangerous. His face is also obstructed in the back of the car where we can only see his silhouette. this creates suspicion in the audiences mind. We are given no backstory or clue as to what Anton's motivations are. This makes him very enigmatic and mysterious and is also the reason he is very scary. only once he is killing his first victim, do we see his face which is making an extremely psychotic expression which gives the audience some more understanding of his character.
