0:00 - 3:00
Opening with a clever establishing and wide angle shot showing us the scene that is about to unravel through the lens of the video- camera screen. Positioning the audience as though we are sitting along side inside the car waiting for the chaos to begin, along with low-key lighting surrounding the camera implies the negative implications that are about to occur. Already we can see the that the tone of the scene is dark, almost mysterious as of the overall dark aesthetic. The shot then pans to the left showing the police car, whilst the diegetic sound of the police radio overlaps, tensions clearly increasing as well the the swift cuts from both protagonists point of view. The cuts that are used here, first give the audience a sense of anticipation and anxiety, the scene CUTS to show a close up of the 2 criminals, one holding a hun, which then again cuts back to Louis's reaction which we can infer is worry and anxiety which is guided by the audiences response. This is also known as the "Kuleshov" effect, which is the order in which sequences are shown resulting in specific responses. Extreme close ups of the cops through the camera lens suggest the sense of entrapment both Louis (the protagonist) and criminals feel. Louis unable to go back on his decision and the criminals unable to hide from the cops. The sense of entrapment only increases when the extreme close up (of the actually camera screen) begins to slowly zoom further in. The use of the shot within a shot positions the audience almost as if they too are filming, preparing for something to happen, this type of shot also restricts the audience from allowing them to see the entire environment, creating a sense of uncertainty for the audience at this time. Throughout the scene, the non diegetic music is extremely significant and has power over the audience, as the low frequency sound music used induces anxiety, heart palpitations and shivering to the audience. Completely changing the audiences experience and reaction of the scene entirely. Mis-en-scene conveys the negatives concerning the situation and criminals, when driving off the criminals enter a black car, the colour black being a visual signifer whilst having strong connotations of evil, fear, and also mystery, on the other hand, Louis's red car again, the colour red signifying the danger and power he is having on the situation. The quick fast cuts from editing show how fast pace, and important the criminal driving off was to Louis for his recording, almost as though everything was preparing for this point. The two colours together both signify the power they each have. Extreme close ups of both Louis's and his apprentices face draws the audiences attention specifically to their reactions. Louis's reacting calm, perhaps even excited, whereas his apprentice showing complete fear and worry. Ending with a point of view shot quickly followed by the close ups, again positions the audience as though they are there experiencing the chase along side Louis and his apprentice, intensifying the overall scene.