During the LOTR, battle agains The Dark Lord Sauron, Peter Jackson's use of editing, firstly gives us a lot of context about the characteristics of each of the races. Simply from the fade in from darkness to the shot of the ring being created, signifies that when given to the people, corruption is created. The camera then cuts to close ups of the ring, implying the rings power, but also thorough the repetition of these close ups show that the rings are all connected in some way. Furthermore, we see Galadriel, being extremely prominent of the frame, this foreshadows she will be a major character later on in the film. When the camera cuts to the Dwarf race holding their rings up, we infer that the Dwarfs are worship, and respect the ring, however the sharp cut showing the men (who desire power) descent into darkness, with Theoden being the last the fade out. The men, almost keeping there rings in secret shows us that the ring will create a decline into darkness for the men, but not Elves nor Dwarfs, who hold their rings up, as though with pride.
The camera then cuts to an establishing shot of the map of middle earth, however slowly focusing on Mordor, this shot ends with a fade to darkness, signifies the darkness of Mordor. The map turning darker when reaching Mordor personifies the evilness, and revolting life Mordor holds within. A clear inter connection between Mount Doom and Sauron is made with a quick cut to a close up then wide shot of Sauron after the wide establishing shot of Middle Earth. The close up and wide shot of Sauron is overlaid (wipes) with fire, suggests that the ring will destroy. Satanic imagery here connotes that Sauron could also be linked to hell/ the underworld.