The Marvel Cinematic Universe was started with the release of Iron Man in 2008. The films have gained a reputation as typical superhero stories in which the man character gains some sort of superpower, faces obstacles but ultimately overcomes the villain. While this may seem repetitive and boring, the films are also known for being very visually interesting with colourful CGI and intricate costumes and props.
Some groups films have different aesthetics, for example the captain America, iron man and spider man films have a sense of realism by using muted colours and minimal CGI. They are also set in real cities and they feel like they could exist in our world.
However, other films like Thor, doctor strange and guardians of the galaxy are set in outer space and use bright, eye-catching CGI. As a result, the films seem much more imaginary which makes the audience suspend their sense of disbelief. This makes the films more visually appealing than the realistic ones as they are allowed to be more creative.
The two different aesthetics can be shown in the infinity war film in which different characters are interacting with each other and therefore the different aesthetics of realism and surrealism have to mix. It shows both aesthetics of the MCU together by using colourful, pretty CGI, while still making it seem like it could take place in the real world.
This is a good overview of the two contrasting aesthetic styles used throughout the MCU. Your descriptions of the aesthetics are concise and paint a sound over-view of the aesthetics but you could explore the key and technical elements in more depth and demonstrate a greater difference between the two.I would also like you to expand upon the points re: Captain America. How does setting the film in a realistic aesthetic reflect issues in society?