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LOTR - Ring Wraith Scene Analysis

Writer's picture: Matthew O'ReganMatthew O'Regan

The Ring Wraith sequence from The Fellowship of the Ring begins with a wide;

high angle establishing shot of the Hobbits hiding beneath an exposed tree root which sets the environment for the next scene of the film. The way the shot is composed shows the hobbits taking up a very small area of the screen which gives connotations of weakness and them being powerless. The shot then transitions in the same shot through a tilt to become a low angle shot as the scene darkens and the Hobbits are now placed in an even smaller section of the screen and a Ring Wraith enters the scene on a black horse, the low angle makes the ring wraith seem very large and powerful over the Hobbits, this will cause the viewer to fear the Ring Wraith and begins to set the overall tone of the film with the Ring Wraiths being part of the ‘bad guys’. The shot then changes to a close up shot of Frodo in the centre of the frame as this isolates him in the shot and shows him looking up as if he was looking through the tree at the ring wraith in fear of it. The shot then quickly changes to an extreme close up of Frodo looking over his shoulder through a small gap in the root which shows the entrapment and inability to move anywhere. The next shot is what appears to be Frodo's point of view looking through the small gap in the tree and it shows the hooves of the horse with nails through them, presumably from the horse shoe, that are jaggered, dirty and bent which makes the viewer feel that this horse is evil and twisted by the ring wraith. The shot then switches to a close up of the horses face showing its red eyes which gives connotations of evil and darkness that represents it being unnatural and not normal. The ring wraith then jumps down of the horse and we see its feet hit the floor through the gap in the tree. This begins to build suspense for the viewer as it seems like the Ring Wraith is going to capture the Hobbits. The shot then changes to a low angle tilted shot looking up with the hobbits in a small section of the bottom right of the screen and the Ring Wraith leans over the tree and begins to sniff as if it can smell something, showing that something is not quite right and is slightly off in this scene as if it is searching for something but we don’t know what it is. The next shot is a high angle close up shot of Frodo specifically from the Ring Wraiths point of view which shows him looking at the Ring Wraith terrified. The next few shots are close ups of insects seeming distressed and ‘running’ away from the Wraith, this gives connotations of the wraith being feared by everything living. The next shot is an extreme close up of Frodo holding a ring and going to put it on and it cuts to the horse and the Ring Wraith starting to go crazy over the ring, this shows us that the ring is an important factor in the film and maybe what the Ring Wraith is searching for.

Here is the clip:


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