Zombie Comedy
Brief History:
Zombie comedy were first seen in film in 1941 in the film Jean Yarbrough's Kind of the Zombies. However it first began to become popular in the 1980s where many other films began to be created. Between 1941 and 1978 there was very few zombie comedy films. Zombie films also contained few comedy scene but films such as Day of the Dead did contain a few comedic scenes. The genre gained a lot of traction with the film Shaun of the Dead which was a popular spook of the big zombie film Dawn of the Dead.
Key conventions:
Some key conventions of the zombie comedy genre is using a general post apocalyptic world or the starting of one post apocalyptic world. As well as this it should contain some sort of create in mass usually a zombie or a monster of some kind. The film usually contains a character that is there for comedic relief as well as a character that is normally over the top in some way such as in Zombieland with the main character who is over preprepared for everything.
Common Themes:
Some common themes of the Zombie comedy genre is that there is normally high key lighting in most scene to add to the comedic aspect of the genre however low key lighting can be used in dramatic points or points to build up tension.
Notable filmmakers:
Ruben Fleischer, Edgar Wright
Examples of genre aesthetic:
Your own personal opinion:
In my opinion, I believe that these films can be really enjoyable if they are able to stay with a consistent flow and not change how the world of the film works mid way through.